Demand Response

Demand Response refers to any number of programs that involve a customer committing to curtail their energy usage in return for a cash payment made by a Curtailable Services Provider (CSP). Contrary to what most customers are aware of, and what most of our competitors offer, there are numerous types of Demand Response programs, each with different requirements, different upside benefit, and downside risk. As a PJM member and CSP, KEYTEX Energy can help you understand ALL of the ways that you can get paid by curtailing your usage, and help you understand which programs are a good fit for your business.
As a full service technical consultant and CSP, our team of Engineers, Analysts, and other industry professionals are uniquely qualified to help you with:
- Complete process oversight and data warehousing
- Educating you on available Demand Response programs
- Evaluating your ability to participate, as well as Risk/Reward analysis
- Formulating revenue estimates
- Assist with equipment installation when necessary
- Education of employees on the benefits of participation and what part they play in the process
- Monitoring program rules on an annual basis
- Formulating reduction strategies
- Enrolling participants and monitoring participation compliance
- On-site support