Colleges & Universities

Unique Challenges for Colleges & Universities
The management of energy for Colleges and Universities typically falls to either the “Building and Grounds/Facilities” department, or the “Finance” department. Having the proper expertise to adequately understand the highly complex energy commodity market, along with all of the industry specific contract language, deal structures, and processes pose a significant challenge to staff that is already spread thin with managing all of the other operations on campus.
With energy commodities, there are very good times to transact in the market cycle, and very bad times to transact. Simply transacting when your existing contract is nearly over puts your College/University at risk, because the market may be at a very bad entry point, causing you to lock in at inflated prices.
The sheer number of accounts that a University campus has can pose a significant challenge to properly managing your accounts. You need to be sure that all individual accounts are being handled properly, based upon their own unique circumstances.
Energy efficiency is becoming a big deal on University campuses. Do you have the internal expertise to know if you are participating in the right programs to maximize your return for energy efficiency initiatives?
How We Can Help
KEYTEX Energy specializes in working with school districts, understanding your unique challenges and giving you the peace of mind that proper decisions are being made:
- We provide a single point of contact that gives you access to our entire team of energy professionals. We make sure NOTHING is missed, and we make sure everything is done according to “Best Practices” for the industry.
- We are available for onsite meetings, as necessary, to support our recommendations and provide insight into the energy markets.
- We provide market updates and recommendations as to exactly WHEN your next contract should be signed, so that you can maximize your savings.
- We are available to audit any energy invoice, and we take the lead in getting errors corrected.
- We understand that on a College/University campus, there are many special projects that will come up, such as building renovations, construction of new buildings, and even on-site generation projects. The energy aspect of these projects can be very important. As a client of KEYTEX Energy, we make our entire staff available to support you as these projects unfold.